Row-major EncodingΒΆ

Shown below is a simple program that encodes sample data from a standardised row-major memory layout and outputs an ODB-2 file.


The C++ interface does not support automatically encoding data from a row-major layout. If this functionality is needed, the C API should be used. Alternatively the row-major memory layout can be explicitly specified as a custom memory layout, which is what the C API does internally.

 * To build this program, please make sure to reference linked library:
 *     gcc -lodccore -o odc-c-encode-row-major odc_encode_row_major.c

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>

#include "odc/api/odc.h"

// Bitfield constants
#define Ob00000001 1
#define Ob00001011 11
#define Ob01101011 107

#define CHECK_RESULT(x) \
    do { \
        int rc = (x); \
        if (rc != ODC_SUCCESS) { \
            fprintf(stderr, "Error calling odc function \"%s\": %s\n", #x, odc_error_string(rc)); \
            exit(1); \
        } \
    } while (false); \

void usage() {
    fprintf(stderr, "Usage:\n");
    fprintf(stderr, "    odc-c-encode-row-major <odb2 output file>\n\n");

void cycle_longs(long *list, int size, long *pool, int pool_size) {
    int index = 0;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (index == pool_size) index = 0;
        list[i] = pool[index];

void cycle_doubles(double *list, int size, double *pool, int pool_size) {
    int index = 0;
    int i;

    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        if (index == pool_size) index = 0;
        list[i] = pool[index];

void create_scratch_data(long nrows, int ncols, double data[nrows][ncols]) {

    // Prepare the current date as an integer

    time_t rawtime;

    struct tm * timeinfo;
    timeinfo = localtime(&rawtime);

    int64_t date = 10000 * (timeinfo->tm_year + 1900) + 100 * (timeinfo->tm_mon + 1) + timeinfo->tm_mday;

    // Prepare the list of integer values, including the missing value

    long missing_integer;

    long integer_pool[] = { 1234, 4321, missing_integer };
    int integer_pool_size = sizeof(integer_pool)/sizeof(integer_pool[0]);

    long missing_integers[nrows];
    cycle_longs(missing_integers, nrows, integer_pool, integer_pool_size);

    // Prepare the list of double values, including the missing value

    double missing_double;

    double double_pool[] = { 12.34, 43.21, missing_double };
    int double_pool_size = sizeof(double_pool)/sizeof(double_pool[0]);

    double missing_doubles[nrows];
    cycle_doubles(missing_doubles, nrows, double_pool, double_pool_size);

    // Prepare the list of bitfield values

    long bitfield_pool[] = { Ob00000001, Ob00001011, Ob01101011 };
    int bitfield_pool_size = sizeof(bitfield_pool)/sizeof(bitfield_pool[0]);

    long bitfield_values[nrows];
    cycle_longs(bitfield_values, nrows, bitfield_pool, bitfield_pool_size);

    int i;

    // Fill in the passed data array with scratch values
    for (i = 0; i < nrows; i++) {
        memset(&data[i][0], 0, 5);
        snprintf((char*)(&data[i][0]), 5, "xxxx");  // expver

        *(int64_t*)(&data[i][1]) = date;  // date@hdr

        memset(&data[i][2], 0, 8);
        snprintf((char*)(&data[i][2]), 7, "stat%02d", i);  // statid@hdr

        memset(&data[i][3], 0, 16);
        snprintf((char*)(&data[i][3]), 16, "0-12345-0-678%02d", i);  // wigos@hdr

        *(double*)(&data[i][5]) = 12.3456 * i;  // obsvalue@body
        *(long*)(&data[i][6]) = missing_integers[i];  // integer_missing
        *(double*)(&data[i][7]) = missing_doubles[i];  // double_missing
        *(long*)(&data[i][8]) = bitfield_values[i];  // bitfield_column

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    if (argc != 2) {
        return 1;

    // Get output path from command argument
    char* path = argv[1];

    // Initialise API and set treatment of integers as longs

    // Define row and column count
    const long nrows = 20;
    const int ncols = 9;

    // Allocate data array of rows x columns
    double data[nrows][ncols];

    // Set up the allocated array with scratch data
    create_scratch_data(nrows, ncols, data);

    // Initialise encoder
    odc_encoder_t* encoder = NULL;

    // Define all column names and their types
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "expver", ODC_STRING));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "date@hdr", ODC_INTEGER));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "statid@hdr", ODC_STRING));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "wigos@hdr", ODC_STRING));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "obsvalue@body", ODC_REAL));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "integer_missing", ODC_INTEGER));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "double_missing", ODC_REAL));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_column(encoder, "bitfield_column", ODC_BITFIELD));

    // Column `wigos@hdr` is a 16-byte string column, hence takes 2 columns in the array => ncols=9
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_column_set_data_size(encoder, 3, 16));

    // Column `bitfield_column` is an integer with 4 bitfield values in it
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_column_add_bitfield(encoder, 7, "flag_a", 1));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_column_add_bitfield(encoder, 7, "flag_b", 2));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_column_add_bitfield(encoder, 7, "flag_c", 3));
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_column_add_bitfield(encoder, 7, "flag_d", 1));

    // Set input data array from which data will be encoded
    //   Zero value for last `columnMajorWidth` argument indicates the row-major layout
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_set_data_array(encoder, data, ncols*sizeof(double), nrows, 0));

    const char* property_key = "encoded_by";
    const char* property_value = "odc_example";

    // Add some key/value metadata to the frame
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encoder_add_property(encoder, property_key, property_value));

    int file_descriptor = open(path, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_WRONLY, 0666);
    long size;

    // Encode ODB-2 into an already open file descriptor
    CHECK_RESULT(odc_encode_to_file_descriptor(encoder, file_descriptor, &size));


    // Deallocate memory used up by the encoder

    fprintf(stdout, "Written %ld rows to %s\n", nrows, path);

    return 0;

To use this sample program, invoke it from the command line with a path to an ODB-2 output file:

./odc-c-encode-row-major example.odb

Written 20 rows to example.odb
odc ls example.odb

expver date@hdr        statid@hdr      wigos@hdr               obsvalue@body   integer_missing double_missing  bitfield_column
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat00'        '0-12345-0-67800'       0.000000        1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat01'        '0-12345-0-67801'       12.345600       4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat02'        '0-12345-0-67802'       24.691200       .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat03'        '0-12345-0-67803'       37.036800       1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat04'        '0-12345-0-67804'       49.382401       4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat05'        '0-12345-0-67805'       61.728001       .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat06'        '0-12345-0-67806'       74.073601       1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat07'        '0-12345-0-67807'       86.419197       4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat08'        '0-12345-0-67808'       98.764801       .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat09'        '0-12345-0-67809'       111.110397      1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat10'        '0-12345-0-67810'       123.456001      4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat11'        '0-12345-0-67811'       135.801605      .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat12'        '0-12345-0-67812'       148.147202      1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat13'        '0-12345-0-67813'       160.492798      4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat14'        '0-12345-0-67814'       172.838394      .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat15'        '0-12345-0-67815'       185.184006      1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat16'        '0-12345-0-67816'       197.529602      4321            43.209999       11
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat17'        '0-12345-0-67817'       209.875198      .               .               107
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat18'        '0-12345-0-67818'       222.220795      1234            12.340000       1
'xxxx' 20210524        'stat19'        '0-12345-0-67819'       234.566406      4321            43.209999       11
000 2021-05-24 14:06:05 (I) Selected 20 row(s).